
In accordance with the existing acts and regulations, the main functions of BAN-PT is basically to assist and support the Minister of National Education in assessing the quality of Higher Education, including public and private universities, institutes, colleges, academies, polytechnics, religion-based, and government service higher education institutions. BAN-PT is a non-structural, non-profit, and independent agency under the National Education Minister.

[National Education Ministerial Regulation No. 28, 2005 on National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi), Article 1 and Article 2].

Unand - Akreditasi Universitas Andalas

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Andalas University, the eldest university outside Java and the fourth eldest in Indonesia, was established by the Decree of the Minister of Culture and Education no. 80016/Kab; December 23rd, 1955.

The University was officially opened by its founding fathers, the late Vice President; Drs. Mohammad Hatta, and the Minister of Education and Culture, Sarino Mangoenpranoto on September 13th, 1956.


No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
1 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan 025 2000 U 2005-09-13
2 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Ilmu Tanah 025 2000 U 2005-09-13
3 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Akuntansi 024 2003 A 2008-08-22
4 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Kimia 053 2004 A 2009-12-21
5 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Kedokteran 024 2004 A 2009-06-18
6 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Fisika 053 2004 B 2009-12-21
7 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Antropologi Sosial 020 2005 A 2010-10-27
8 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Sosiologi 017 2005 B 2010-10-13
9 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Ilmu Politik 016 2005 B 2010-09-30
10 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Matematika 001 2005 B 2010-01-28
11 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Teknik Industri 022 2005 B 2010-12-08
12 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Teknik Mesin 017 2006 A 2011-10-19
13 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak 009 2006 A 2011-07-27
14 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Produksi Ternak 010 2006 A 2011-08-03
15 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Sastra Indonesia 005 2006 A 2011-06-15
16 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Ekonomi Pembangunan 004 2006 A 2011-06-01
17 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Sosial Ekonomi Peternakan 009 2006 A 2011-07-27
18 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Manajemen 004 2006 A 2011-06-01
19 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Sastra Inggris 010 2006 A 2011-08-03
20 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Teknologi Hasil Ternak 008 2006 A 2011-07-13
21 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Teknik Elektro 005 2006 B 2011-06-15
22 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Sejarah 008 2006 B 2011-07-13
23 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Sastra Daerah Untuk Sastra Minangkabau 005 2006 B 2011-06-15
24 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Teknik Lingkungan 008 2006 B 2011-07-13
25 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Biologi 010 2007 A 2012-05-19
26 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Farmasi 014 2007 A 2012-06-30
27 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 020 2007 B 2012-09-07
28 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Teknik Sipil 018 2007 B 2012-08-18
29 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Teknik Pertanian 028 2007 B 2012-11-26
30 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Pemuliaan Tanaman 019 2007 B 2012-08-25
31 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan 017 2007 B 2012-08-11
32 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Agronomi 018 2007 B 2012-08-18
33 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Pertanian 019 2007 B 2012-08-25
34 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Teknologi Hasil Pertanian 011 2007 B 2012-05-26
35 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Manajemen 013 2007 B 2012-08-03
36 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Ilmu Hukum 029 2008 A 2013-11-13
37 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Ilmu Tanah 032 2008 A 2013-01-12
38 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Agronomi 010 2008 B 2013-09-19
39 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Ilmu Hukum 008 2008 B 2013-08-14
40 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Kimia 007 2008 B 2013-08-03
41 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Teknologi Industri Pertanian 004 2008 B 2013-06-13
42 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Perencanaan Pembangunan 004 2008 B 2013-06-13
43 10 S1 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Kesehatan Masyarakat 001 2008 C 2013-04-18
44 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Ilmu Ternak 007 2009 A 2014-07-31
45 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Farmasi 002 2009 B 2014-05-23
46 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Biologi 003 2009 B 2014-05-29
47 10 S2 Univ. Andalas (UNAND), Padang Pembangunan Wilayah dan Pedesaan 021 2010 B 2015-01-29

In its early years, the university had five faculties; namely Faculty of Agriculture in Payakumbuh, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science in Bukittinggi, Faculty of Law in Padang, and Faculty of Teacher Training in Batusangkar.

Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Animal Husbandry were established in Padang in 1961 and 1963 respectively as the 6th and 7th members. In 1965, Faculty of Teacher Training was set apart to become the Institute of Teacher Training (IKIP).

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The National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi), well-known as BAN-PT is an independent agency for evaluation, which has main tasks to decide adequacy of program and or education unit at higher education level, referring to national standards of education. Higher education accreditation is the evaluation of adequacy of program and or institution of higher education, based on criteria, which have been decided to provide quality assurance to the community. To undertake higher education accreditation, the Government establishes National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi – BAN-PT). BAN-PT is a non-structural, non-profit, and independent agency under the National Education Minister.

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