
In accordance with the existing acts and regulations, the main functions of BAN-PT is basically to assist and support the Minister of National Education in assessing the quality of Higher Education, including public and private universities, institutes, colleges, academies, polytechnics, religion-based, and government service higher education institutions. BAN-PT is a non-structural, non-profit, and independent agency under the National Education Minister.

[National Education Ministerial Regulation No. 28, 2005 on National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi), Article 1 and Article 2].

UNILA - Akreditasi Universitas Lampung

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The University of Lampung is located in the Province of Lampung. The province is on the most southern part of Sumatera and in proximity to island of Java. The land of Lampung is known as Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai meaning that its climate is tropical and comfortable, place for diverse culture of mixed ethnic groups.

Lampung offers magnificent coastline with attractive beaches and beautiful coral reef. The scenery range from green mountainous forest and rich agricultural land with widespread plantations to the beautiful national park with unique animals and plants. The people in Lampung are naturally warm and friendly.

The Unila campus area covers 66.5 hectares of land, located in the suburb of the city of Bandar Lampung, which is the capital city of the province. Bandar Lampung is nestled in the plain between green hills of Gunung Betung and along coastline of very famous Lampung Bay.

On the campus, one can find himself surrounded by very green and beautiful landscape and scenery academic environment. With its advantageous infrastructure, the university supplies good-quality for learning in the era of globalization-information technology devices, laboratories, academic resources, as well as sport centers, and recreational centers. The university is managed professionally by adopting total quality management and employing well-trained administration staff. Together with high quality academic staff and students, Unila serving in both teaching and research as well as public service, is progressively becoming a leading institution of higher education of the country


No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
1 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Perlindungan Tanaman 002 1998 B 2003-12-21
2 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Sumber Daya Perairan 012 2004 C 2007-11-08
3 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknik Sipil 014 2004 C 2007-12-21
4 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknik Survey dan Pemetaan 001 2005 C 2008-01-28
5 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknik Arsitektur Lansekap 001 2005 C 2008-01-28
6 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Bahasa Inggris 001 2005 C 2008-01-28
7 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Administrasi Perkantoran dan sekretaris 015 2005 C 2008-12-27
8 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknik Kimia 008 2005 C 2008-06-23
9 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Analis Kimia 001 2005 C 2008-01-28
10 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Sejarah 053 2004 A 2009-12-21
11 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Keuangan dan Perbankan 014 2004 A 2009-12-21
12 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Pertanian 053 2004 B 2009-12-21
13 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Ilmu Komunikasi 053 2004 B 2009-12-21
14 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Produksi Ternak 029 2004 B 2009-07-23
15 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Kimia 017 2004 B 2009-05-07
16 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Perpajakan 014 2004 B 2009-12-21
17 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pengelolaan Proyek dan Bisnis 014 2004 B 2009-12-21
18 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Manajemen Pemasaran 014 2004 B 2009-12-21
19 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Koperasi 014 2004 B 2009-12-21
20 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Biologi 024 2004 B 2009-06-18
21 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknik Pertanian 053 2004 B 2009-12-21
22 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Ilmu Administrasi Negara 045 2004 B 2009-10-26
23 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan 051 2004 B 2009-11-26
24 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Akuntansi 012 2004 B 2009-11-08
25 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Matematika 022 2004 B 2009-06-17
26 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Budidaya Tanaman Hortikultura 053 2004 B 2009-12-21
27 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknologi Hasil Pertanian 045 2004 B 2009-10-26
28 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Ilmu Tanah 027 2004 B 2009-07-02
29 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Biologi 024 2004 B 2009-06-18
30 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Matematika 053 2004 B 2009-12-21
31 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Fisika 053 2004 B 2009-12-21
32 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Ilmu Administrasi Niaga 045 2004 B 2009-10-26
33 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknik Elektro 045 2004 B 2009-10-26
34 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) 024 2004 B 2009-06-18
35 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Sistem Informasi 012 2004 B 2009-11-08
36 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Manajemen Hutan 045 2004 B 2009-10-26
37 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknik Mesin 053 2004 B 2009-12-21
38 02 D-II Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung - UPP Tanjung Karang Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) 004 2006 C 2009-01-12
39 02 D-II Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung - UPP Kampus UNILA Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) 004 2006 C 2009-01-12
40 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Ilmu Hukum 004 2005 A 2010-04-08
41 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknik Sipil 001 2005 A 2010-01-28
42 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Budidaya Pertanian 001 2005 A 2010-01-28
43 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah 001 2005 B 2010-01-28
44 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Hubungan Masyarakat 014 2005 B 2010-12-22
45 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris 003 2005 B 2010-04-08
46 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Ekonomi 001 2005 B 2010-01-28
47 02 D-III Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Perpustakaan, Dokumentasi dan Informasi 013 2005 B 2010-12-08
48 02 S2 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Ilmu Hukum 008 2005 B 2010-07-07
49 02 S2 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknologi Agroindustri 007 2005 B 2010-06-23
50 02 S2 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Budidaya Pertanian 001 2005 B 2010-01-28
51 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Ilmu Ekonomi Pertanian 012 2006 A 2011-08-24
52 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi 026 2006 B 2011-01-12
53 02 D-II Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung - UPP Metro Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) 004 2006 B 2011-01-12
54 02 S2 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Teknologi Pendidikan 017 2006 B 2011-02-16
55 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK) 020 2006 C 2011-12-16
56 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Manajemen 010 2007 A 2012-05-19
57 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Kimia 001 2007 B 2012-01-13
58 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Sosiologi 018 2007 B 2012-08-18
59 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Dokter 020 2007 B 2012-09-07
60 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Ilmu Pemerintahan 012 2007 C 2012-06-09
61 02 S2 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Manajemen 017 2008 A 2013-11-28
62 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Pendidikan Geografi 016 2008 B 2013-08-03
63 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Fisika 033 2008 B 2013-01-18
64 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Akuntansi 002 2009 A 2014-04-02
65 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Ekonomi Pembangunan 028 2009 A 2014-09-16
66 02 S1 Univ. Lampung (UNILA), Bandar Lampung Budidaya Perairan 005 2009 C 2014-04-24

Unila Role

Unila has played a significant role in educating and producing its graduates to meet the labor needs in both private and public institutions particularly in Lampung Province .

In public institutions, Unila has become a key partner of local governments (province and regencies/cities) in the case of planning and evaluating development through researches and public services.

In the future, given its experts, Unila will be able to improve its function and role in researches to produce the products of sciences and technology, HAKI in various fields of study and technology, and global quality graduates. Besides, Unila will keep becoming a key partner of local and central governments in improving the quality of development in an autonomous era as well as a partner of general public and private organizations.

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The National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi), well-known as BAN-PT is an independent agency for evaluation, which has main tasks to decide adequacy of program and or education unit at higher education level, referring to national standards of education. Higher education accreditation is the evaluation of adequacy of program and or institution of higher education, based on criteria, which have been decided to provide quality assurance to the community. To undertake higher education accreditation, the Government establishes National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi – BAN-PT). BAN-PT is a non-structural, non-profit, and independent agency under the National Education Minister.

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BAN-PT stands for Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi in Indonesia

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