
In accordance with the existing acts and regulations, the main functions of BAN-PT is basically to assist and support the Minister of National Education in assessing the quality of Higher Education, including public and private universities, institutes, colleges, academies, polytechnics, religion-based, and government service higher education institutions. BAN-PT is a non-structural, non-profit, and independent agency under the National Education Minister.

[National Education Ministerial Regulation No. 28, 2005 on National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi), Article 1 and Article 2].

Akreditasi Uniga

Friday, September 24, 2010


The history of the founding of the University of Garut began in 1975, which at the time of origin of Education figures Garut namely Prof. K.H. Anwar Musaddad (late) (founder and first rector of IAIN / UIN Sunan Gunung Jati Bandung) sees that as a district Garut large enough, which is undergoing a fairly rapid development in the areas of development not yet have a higher education institution that is able to accommodate the needs of society Garut higher education. For that, he founded the college which is managed by a foundation that is Garut Foundation of Higher Education named the High School Social Studies (sticks) with 1 course of study that is Social Welfare.

Thanks to struggle hard enough from the managers of the universities, and also with the increasing demand for higher education by society Garut, hence, the addition of new courses, namely Administrative Sciences and Medical Social Workers In 1991 the Foundation of Higher Education Garut founded School of Economics with courses in Management and Accounting.

Furthermore, in 1996 founded the program Pascasarajana with the Department of Administration, State Administration concentration. Then in 1997, the Foundation of Higher Education established the Faculty of Islamic Garut with a course of Islamic Education, Islamic Religious Education and Elementary School Teacher Education. Garut as the District that a large community living as farmers, providing opportunities for the establishment of an agricultural higher education institutions.

In 1992, the Foundation Gilang Kencana, which also operates the basic secondary education, founded the College of Agriculture Gilang Kencana Garut, which has two courses of study that is conducting the study of agricultural farms. In accordance with the times and the demand for higher education is perceived by society Garut.

In 1996 also stood two colleges under the management of Prima Garut Foundation of Colleges of Pharmacy and College of Textiles. In order to realize the ideals of the founding of the University community will Garut Garut, three private universities Foundation organizers mentioned above; Garut Foundation of Higher Education, University Foundation and the Foundation Gilang Kencana Prima has agreed to join in a container that is: Foundation University Main Page (YUNGA) which established by notarial deed Yayah Kusnariah, SH No. 7 dated July 15, 1997. This foundation serves as an organizer of the University of Garut.

Vision University of Garut

"To be the leading universities in developing science and technology, and produce well-educated human resources, faith, quality, and glorious with the multi-competence berahlak that can compete at national, regional, and global".

Mission of the University of Garut

1. Carry out three responsibilities of Higher Education, which consists of education, research, community service, as well as affirming religion and culture;

2. Organizing higher education in accordance with the needs of the Indonesian people and society in general, Garut in particular;

3. Producing graduates who are qualified and able to compete on the world of work;

4. Promote research activities that aimed for the development of science and the welfare of the people;

5. Devote science and technology in helping people to solve engineering problems in terms of improving the quality of work and incomes;

6. Carrying out administrative system in accordance with the basic tasks and functions.


Model Accreditation Program of study used to assess this university can be illustrated as shown below :

Study Program Accreditation Process

No.RegionLevelCollegeProgrammeDecrees No.Years DecreeRankExpired
1 04 S1 Univ. Garut, Garut Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial 001 1998 B 2003-08-11
2 04 S1 Univ. Garut, Garut Farmasi 053 2004 C 2007-12-21
3 04 D-III Univ. Garut, Garut Teknik Telekomunikasi 007 2006 C 2009-08-03
4 04 S1 Univ. Garut, Garut Akuntansi 017 2006 B 2011-10-19
5 04 S1 Univ. Garut, Garut Pendidikan Agama Islam 010 2007 B 2012-05-19
6 04 S1 Univ. Garut, Garut Manajemen 001 2007 B 2012-01-13
7 04 S1 Univ. Garut, Garut Ilmu Administrasi Negara 010 2007 B 2012-05-19
8 04 S1 Univ. Garut, Garut Agronomi 010 2007 B 2012-05-19
9 04 S2 Univ. Garut, Garut Administrasi Negara 016 2008 B 2013-11-13
10 04 D-III Univ. Garut, Garut Akuntansi 004 2010 C 2015-06-11

Accreditation bodies which had been visited for comparative studies among other things:

1. Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technological (Abet), in the United States.
2. Australian Universities Quality Agency (AUQA), in Australia.
3. Council for Higher Education Accreditation (Chea), in the United States.
4. National Accreditation Agency (State Accreditation Institute - LAN), in Malaysia.
5. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), in the United States.
6. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), in England.
7. Accrediting Philippine Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU)

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The National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi), well-known as BAN-PT is an independent agency for evaluation, which has main tasks to decide adequacy of program and or education unit at higher education level, referring to national standards of education. Higher education accreditation is the evaluation of adequacy of program and or institution of higher education, based on criteria, which have been decided to provide quality assurance to the community. To undertake higher education accreditation, the Government establishes National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi – BAN-PT). BAN-PT is a non-structural, non-profit, and independent agency under the National Education Minister.

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